

评论:隆多意外伤竟归咎韦德肮脏 闪电侠蒙不白之冤


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本站网友 Patsy ip:188.143.232.*
2016-12-17 06:11:54 发表
Thanks for posting that info from the Dictionary.  Unless Christie took the keys to all the snow plows and sand spreaders with him, going on vacation wasn’t negligent.  It really falls into the category of “Not too smart poca&ililly.t#8221;  On the other hand, telling the wife and kids that they’re going to miss out on their Disney vacation so dad can stick around and watch the snow fall would be familial suicide.
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本站网友 Veanna ip:183.177.122.*
2011-07-24 22:53:17 发表
That's not just the best asnwer. It's the bestest answer!
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本站网友 Nelly ip:193.43.104.*
2011-07-24 05:23:42 发表
God help me, I put aside a whole afternoon to frigue this out.
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